Thursday, September 16, 2010

Forgive and Forget

....... Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.......

Why is this so much more easily said than done? God is so quick to forgive our sins, and accept that we are not perfect. So why is it so difficult for us to do the same thing when we are wronged? I dealt with a not so nice boss a few years ago. And for the 2 years I worked with her, I complained about her to everyone I could. The stuff that she did, the way she acted, huh, well it was unforgivable. And all I wanted to do was get her to see how she acted affected others. Hoping she would change. Maybe that's why I didn't forgive her, because I knew if she could only see it, and change it, it would be so much better. But it never happened, and I just continued to complain. Only until I was talking to another level headed Christian - my therapist - did I change how I thought. She said, "You know, it sounds like she has some insecurity issues. She has low self esteem, and isn't positive she thinks she is the person for the job. So she's putting up a front." So now I can understand why she always jumped back and argued about everything, she feared if she was proved wrong, everyone would see that she isn't quite sure about what she's doing. And it made sense. And the way she dressed, and clung to her possessions as if they were the world to her, it's because she thinks those things will make others like her. I've since forgiven her, and now understand that if she is to change, it's not up to me to make her see it. It can only come from with in. So now instead of complaining about her, I pray for her. And I can see that it wasn't anything personally against me, or anyone else here. The way she acts isn't necessarily excusable, but it's forgiveable because there is a personal reason for her acting as she did.

If we could only realize this about every person we come across. If someone has wronged you, usually it's a personal reason and not typically because they have it out for you. The co-worker who steps on you to climb up the corporate ladder, or the bully that pushes you in school. The co-worker doesn't think they have the skills or knowledge to move up with out pushing others down, it's not because they want to see you fail. Or the bully is really only doing it because they want others to like them, and are afraid their real self isn't good enough, so they push others down to make themselves look better.

Forgive them, yes it wasn't the "Godly" thing to do, but "God" will take care of that in the end.  YOU be the best person you can be, and know that even though this person is trying to push you down, your light still shines through.  They can't take that away from you - and it will overcome everything in the end.  So next time you are hurt by someone else, repeat the lords prayer, and tell yourself, God has forgiven my sins, I can forgive them.

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