Tuesday, October 5, 2010

God Loves You too!

Our lives are not meant to be easy.  Almost daily the Devil is going to throw temptations at you. He'll make anything done out of good/kindness for others or for God difficult, and just as you think your life is going good and you are happy, he'll throw a curve ball at you.  Our life is one big test, and you'll end up with one of two grades, a G-od or a D-evil.

Unfortunately some of us took a more advanced class with a Final far more difficult than the rest of us.  And they tend to have more struggles than others.  I have a friend, who grew up in a Christian household, has always held onto her faith, and is always helping others.  It's because of this she's in the advanced class and the Devil has thrown her more than her fair share of struggles.  Recently she's been struggling with things.  And finally came to the conclusion that she's being too nice, and she's been trying to make other people happy for too long, while neglecting herself.

I think as Christians we look at the world, and read the bible, and listen to what god says.  And sometimes take it too literally.  Love thy neighbor, forgive those who trespass against us, serve the Lord by helping others.  And we pray, we pray for those struggling, we tend to those who need our help, and we forgive the people who have hurt us because we know they are struggling.  What we don't remember is that after "Love thy neighbor" comes as we do ourselves, and before "Forgive those who trespass against us" comes, "Forgive us our trespasses". 

When you get on an airplane, the stewardess talks about the oxygen masks, in the event of an incident and the masks are deployed put yours on before helping others.  We're not going to be of any help to anyone if we're dieing.  If we can't breathe how can we help others breathe?

The same goes in life, yes; please do good, help others, pray for others and all that jazz.  But if you don't tend to yourself first, if you don't give yourself some attention, you're not going to be able to help other people.  You can't be expected to help those struggling if you're struggling too, and you can't be expected to make others happy, if you are unhappy.  So before you go to bed tonight, and you are saying your prayers, throw one in for yourself, "Lord please take care of me, and stay by my side.  Take some of my burden and carry it for me.  Let me always to have a smile on my face, and love in my heart, so that I may always do your will."  God loves everyone of us equally, and I think we all try to have the same way of thinking.  What we never think of or stop to realize is , we (I) am one of those people too, and we (I) deserve just as much happiness, prayers, and love as everyone else.  God loves you too!  And don't ever forget it!

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