Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What will you see?

So I've been listening to the local christian radio station a lot lately.  And every morning they have this thing called the "Name Game" where they say some child's name, and you can call in and talk about your son or daughter with that name, and all of the great things that they do.  One really stuck with me a few weeks ago.  I don't recall the name, but they said that their child said "When I grow up, I want to help people, I want to do good like Jesus."  And the reason I remember it is because they were only 5 years old.  Most children that age go with "When I grow up I want to be an astronaut, a doctor, a fireman/woman, etc...  So hearing this child put it like that, was just like wow, we could all learn a lot from him. 

I figured out a while ago that the question you need to ask yourself is not, "What do I want to be when I grow up?"  But instead should be, "When I'm 80, and I look back on my life, what do I want to see? What do I want to see that I've accomplished?"  And then figure out how to make that happen.  And this child had already partially understood that at a young age.  He didn't want the popularity of a movie star or an astronaut, he didn't want the stigma that goes along with being a fireman, and he didn't want to be rich, he just wanted to help people like Jesus.  Sometimes children understand God and Jesus more than some of the smartest scholars out there.  There's no well, he meant this, or because he said that means people can't do this, they just know that Jesus wants them to be good, and to treat everyone equally.  And isn't that what it's all about?  Grow up and do everything you can to be a good person, so when you look back at your life at 80, you can be proud of yourself.  And know that God is proud of you.  I think that sums up the bible pretty well, don't you?

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