Thursday, August 19, 2010

There is only one true leader; listen to your own voice...

Since the husband is away this week for work, I decided to go out with some girlfriends for some dinner and gossip on Tuesday.  While we were talking I brought the blog up, and that led to a conversation about Christianity.  My one girlfriend mentioned she had started a bible study for children at her church, and I'm not sure how or why the children ended up at the last one she did, but they had never really heard of or knew of Christ before.  And she said, it was the most heartwarming/breaking thing she'd ever seen when their eyes lit up as she was telling them about Jesus.  Heartwarming because they were accepting him, and really wanted to know more about him.  Heartbreaking because one said, "You mean there's someone who actually loves me for me?" 

Those are the kind of stories I love.  The ones where someone does something not because its going to help them in any way, yes she'll probably become closer to God as she does this, but for the most part it's a completely selfless act, done just out of the kindness of her heart to help others. 

Some Christians see church and tithing's as; I go to church and I give the church money so God WILL bless me.  But so many of us are already blessed.  Just to be alive; to have a roof over our heads; be able to put food on our plates; or have love in our hearts.  But more often than not, we take those things for granted.  Those aren't blessings, that's just daily life, normal stuff.  But for many people it's not.  Especially with the world we are living in today, many don't have those things.  Some children have never felt the amazing power of a hug; or go to bed hungry; or have never heard those 3 words whispered to them by anyone.  So when I go to church it's not to ask God for more blessings, it's to thank God for the blessings I've already been given.

Mother Teresa said it best "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person".  A smile given to the person walking towards you as you go down the street.  The lady on the side of the road stressed because she has a flat.  The gas station attendant asking you, "Do you want to donate $1 to so and so charity?"  DO IT!  Don't think oh, someone else will help her out, that guy might be weird, I don't want to give him the wrong idea, or they ask everyone every time they are in, they aren't going to miss $1, if I don't do it today.  What if we all had that same way of thinking?  How would anything EVER get done?  When she says, "Person to Person" it means, small things, baby steps, one person at a time.  Imagine if we all adopted that frame of mind, just by helping one person out, wow, imagine the possibilities.  I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard this same song and dance before, so isn't it time you listen to it?

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