My brother in law was brought up in a christian household, was baptized, confirmed, went to church, all the good stuff. Some where a long the way, he decided he didn't believe in God. I don't know if he considers himself an atheist or just plain non-religious; but he's dead set in his beliefs and has even lost a couple great girlfriends because of it.
On the other side of things, I worked with a girl a while back, who once said to me, "I don't know how anyone wouldn't believe in God, how can you not?" referring to our I.T. guy who believes in Buddhism. Now I don't know about him, but I can completely see why you could be non-religious all together. I don't know much about other religions, and I don't claim to, but I do know many people who consider themselves non-religious, or atheist, came to that conclusion at some point in their lives; it wasn't handed down to them. (Yes I know before you jump there are many out there that are, but I grew up in a non-religious household, and here I am preaching to you, and my BIL grew up in a christian household, and he is where he is.) All I mean is when you grow up, you tend to decide who you are on your own. So why do some people decide they don't believe in Jesus or any other religion? I don't know, but my best guess is this. At some point in their lives, living was a struggle for some reason or another. And they decided, if there was a God, that loves me as much as they bible says, he wouldn't make me go through so much pain, if there was any higher being, they wouldn't make so many people go through so much pain. And then spend a bunch of time trying to prove it doesn't exist.
But I kind of have a different view; I thank God for my trials, with out them, I would not be who I am today. I like to think of it like this, "If you are a parent, and you give your child everything they want, and they always get their way, they are going to end up a spoiled, selfish, brat. Why would our Father in Heaven treat our lives any different? Plus if everything was perfect, and nothing ever went wrong, it would be a rather boring life. Eventually, you'll run out of things you want, get sick of always knowing what's going to happen, and just be plain bored of it. So I am thankful that every now and then, someone said something not so nice to me, I fell and hurt my knee, or the project I work so hard on fell apart in the end. It brings me back to reality, and makes me so much more thankful for the good times.